This request is a favorite of mine and often occurs towards a large business review. I often end up making a specialized dashboard to allow the meeting presenters to take the screenshots they feel they need.
Luckily there are a few ways to put your Power BI report into PowerPoint.
- Sign in to Power BI from the browser
- Select your desired report
- Choose File > Export to PowerPoint
There you have it. The Power BI service will generate a PowerPoint presentation for you (titled by your report name) and once ready, begin to download.
Is there a way to get dynamic Power BI charts in PowerPoint?
Interactive Power BI charts within PowerPoint method 1
- Open PowerPoint > Insert menu > Choose “Get Add-ins”
- Search for “Web Viewer”, choose Get
- In the URL field, use the “Embed”URL from the file menu of your Power BI report
- Press Sign in from the Web viewer
Interactive Power BI charts within PowerPoint method 2
- Open PowerPoint > Insert menu > Choose “Get Add-ins”
- Search for “Power BI Tiles Online”, choose Get
- Choose the “From Power BI” button
- Sign in and navigate to your report
Both methods have their caveats. The web viewer method; although it’s free, has a very hit and miss issue with signing in. It seemed to work in the beginning but failed far too often which is the last thing you need as part of a crucial board meeting.
Power BI Tiles is a paid app that is often the case to get something that you expect to be integrated within an MS product. The add-on team does a good job, it’s easy to navigate and is extremely responsive. For 50 buck I guess it’s not the worst if it helps secure a sales pitch or a contract renewal.
What are my options for Power Bi Report server (PBIRS) to PowerPoint?
For those clients who secure their data to an on-premise solution, the option that seemed poor for the Power BI service actually works well for PBIRS
To put your Power BI report from On-Premise to PowerPoint, simply:
- Open PowerPoint > Insert menu > Choose “Get Add-ins”
- Search for “Web Viewer”
- In the URL field, enter the reports full Power BI report server address
- At the end of the URL add the following “?rs:embed=true” to the end of the URL
- Enter your credentials
Use Power BI as your PowerPoint presentation
My final thoughts are rather than trying to force PowerBI into PowerPoint, it makes more sense to recreate your presentations in Power BI. This allows you the flexibility to provide accurate data and if done right you can import your narration points to your data model.